About neverland

This blog is devoted to contemplating in excruciating detail the world of homoerotic wrestling. The opinions expressed reflect the thoughts and tastes of me alone, or those of guest authors.  Neverland is about the kinks and the quirks that turn me on and inspire my imagination. This site is not for everyone. The images and words featured are sometimes sexually explicit and contain graphic nudity, and they always focus on homoeroticism and associated topics.  You’ll know within moments of browsing if it’s for you. If it is: enjoy, leave a comment, and let your imagination come out and play.

eli2Me?  I like to describe myself as a gay man with an active imagination.  My topical orientation is primarily that of an armchair fanatic for homoerotic wrestling.  I’ve spent thousands of hours gaining immense pleasure from watching it, writing about it, and discussing it.  I am in no way responsible for the production of commercial homoerotic wrestling products, and despite rumors to the contrary, I exercise extremely little influence on those who are responsible (mostly confined to my pleas for readers to bombard wrestling producers with special requests for my favorite kinks).  I’ve enjoyed the immense pleasure of interviewing some of the sexiest men of homoerotic wrestling, and I’ve been nearly apoplectic upon getting to meet in person just a few of them.  But day in and day out, I comment on a business that isn’t my own.  While it may appear that I do nothing else but muse about homoerotic wrestling, it is genuinely and happily merely a sideline for me.

I do, however, have the utmost respect for the wrestlers and producers for whom homoerotic wrestling is serious business.  In particular, I extend my appreciation for those producers who are kind enough to extend ongoing permission for me to post their copyrighted images as illustrations here at neverland.  If this blog speaks to you in any way, then you really should check out the fine products of these inspired wrestlers and wrestling companies (and by all means, ask them directly for permission before reposting their images that you find at neverland!):

BG East Wrestling
Can-Am Productions
Eye of the Cyclone
Hunks Wrestling
Muscle Domination Wrestling
Naked Kombat
Rock Hard Wrestling
Steel Muscle God
Thunder’s Arena Wrestling
Weekend Wrestling

33 thoughts on “About neverland

  1. Sure hope you watched Chris C on CNN this morning…. he took his crew fishing and showed us a double bicep flex (unfortunately, it was only on screen for about 1 second- bastards!). I’m still bitter about him leaving GMA as well! Happy New Year…

    1. Damn it all to hell, I missed it! Missing a Chris Cuomo double bicep flex is a terrible omen for the new year. I’m still living in anticipation of ABC showing Gio Benitez and Matt Gutman in a flex off.

      1. Your mere mention of Chris and Matt in a bicep flex-off sends vibest straight into my jizz-filled nuts….could we throw Gio into the mix for a trio, and dream that they’d be reporting shirltless in teh future? Maybe throw in Cam Foster and Cody Nixon for some professional polish? Whew, I;m throbbin just thinkin of this…who needs hairy David Muir with the above stimulli ?

    1. Good question. You can email me at wrestlebard@gmail.com. To be clear to all wrestling producers, I respond well to you being polite. I don’t respond well at all to being told what to write or when to write reviews. I am not “one of your bloggers.” I form my own opinions and spend my valuable time reviewing wrestling that moves me, not necessarily products you want to move. I enjoy wrestling enough to pay for it, but I am happy to take a look at complimentary matches. But taking a look at complimentary matches does not obligate me to you. I don’t then owe you something (my words) in return, because that would make it no longer “complimentary.” There’s a lot more awesome wrestling being produced than I have time to review, so I guarantee I will not spend time on everything you produce. I don’t get paid or compensated in any way for this blog. That doesn’t mean I’m available to work for you cheap. It means the content, pace, tone, and future of this blog is determined solely by me. If producers are interested in chatting about how your wrestling could be included on these pages, and you understand what I’ve explained here, I’m happy to respond to your email.

  2. Really enjoyed your post on Tommy Lopez.
    Reminded me of my early video collection, now sadly lost.
    Could we hear more about the “older wrestling stars, people like Thom Katt, Sailor Rob, Butch Graham, Scott Rogers etc. Love your Blog.


    1. I’ll try to make sure and give moreof the eatly stars mention. For the record, in my post on Tommy i didnt refer to”older wrestling stars” but rather “other iconic forefathers like…” Ages varied, then and now, and some current stars maybe older than some guys who wrestled 20 years ago.

  3. For a number of reasons, it’s been a long while since I’ve checked in here.

    Comments: lately there’s been two sources of discontent for me in the erotic wrestling field. One is the changes at NK, which, in short, are totally bogus. The other is the situation at BGE. Two many skinny boys and pudgy men competing and, sadly, winning, and too many well-built athletes being jobbered. It’s a sorry situation in both instances that too few newer matches are worth the time to watch them and the best viewing is found in the archives.

    I hope that these are temporary nadirs, that both will restore their former glories.

    1. I’ve also been disappointed in NK. I know kink.com in general has struggled with the porn/HIV problems, and they have reportedly had problems with staying insured, including problems with injuries in NK. I unsubscribed a few months ago, when they started recycling matches from years ago as their “new” matches.

      I’m still very satisfied with BG East. I tend to like wrestlers in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and roles. If there’s just one body type that you can enjoy, though, then I could see how a lot of the diversity of wrestlers and matches at BG East could leave you uninspired. I still think that’s precisely one of BG East’s strengths though.

  4. I went through the last three Catalogs and found that there were 29 unique matches and found that if you generously counted 1of 2 or 1 of 3 wrestlers in individual matches, it added up to 16 1/3 worthy matches. If I’d not counted that way, it comes to only 10/29.

    1. Considering fans have diverse tastes, I’d say a finicky fan enjoying a third of the new releases seems pretty good. Like I said, I enjoy a diversity of bodies and characters. Not everything that BG East produces moves me, by any means, but I’m pretty good with their roster and range of products these days.

  5. I’m pleased to have discovered your blog and subscribed to it today. Has Lane Hartley ever lost a wrestling match? I’ve seen no evidencce of that online thus far. He’s a premium heel, and I always enjoy watching him in action.

    1. Hey Kestalt – I don’t believe I’ve ever seen Lane lose, but in the back of my mind I have this idea that he has lost a match. I don’t think it was for BG East. Possibly for a match that Cameron Matthews has produced? I’ll let you know if I come across one.

      1. You’re right.! As Alex Chamberlain, he was double-teamed by Maverick (aka Anthony Nese) and Kharn Alexander. I was asking about his record in single bouts yet neglected to specify that. (Why do these guys change their names so often? If trying to establish themselves as a recognizable “brand”, the name changing seems counterintuitive.)

  6. Hey Bard – checking in with you. I’ve missed your blog. Love your insight and interviews. I hope you’re doing well and all is good with you. Hope you write about rassling again soon.
    Big Fan

  7. Hi WrestleBard,
    Is it still possible to read any of your old Producer’s Ring stories? Is there any repository online? I used to be part of your Google group but it doesn’t seem to be there anymore.
    Wishing you well!

    1. Hey Daniel, the group still exists, but Google has phased out that platform, so I’m not sure who still has access. I’ve been working on pulling stories over here to the blog. Do you have a favorite match you want me to prioritize?

      1. Bard—Wow! Thank you for the response and that’s so nice of you to ask.
        I did actually go to check on the group with the intention of reading some of your matches featuring bigger guys against smaller guys. I remember Hugh Jackman v Taylor Lautner as being fucking hot, but there were many others…
        Sadly it seems that quite a number of the old wrestling fic groups and blogs from years past have been wiped off the net, especially since the exodus from Tumblr and now it looks like Yahoo Groups has closed.
        I am so happy that your writing is still here. You always excelled at painting a vivid, erotic picture in my mind.

  8. Hey : from the git-go I go fixated on Wrestling Spladles or Banana Splits. I have spent,20 years
    Gathering pics of guys caught and suffering as their legs are split wider and wider!
    I know there must be others who are into his fetish too.
    If interested, email me at: b26687@aol.com.
    Bill Vickers
    Florida, USA

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