You Say It’s Your Birthday?

Precisely 5 years ago, I sat down and started to compose my first posts for neverland.  Five years!? It’s incredible to look back and consider the distance traveled, the friendships made, the haters ignored.  I remember tracking site visits to the blog back then and getting a rush of excitement if there were more than a couple of dozen page views in a day.  These days, the average is between 1,500 and 2,000 per day, and we’ve had about 350,000 page views in total since I migrated the blog here to WordPress about 10 months ago.  I won’t lie to you, there are days when I wonder what else I could possibly write about my take on homoerotic wrestling that I haven’t already written before.  I’m also pretty sure I’ve repeated myself dozens of times on most topics at this point. But just like my obsession with homoerotic wrestling, something about documenting the heart of what turns me on keeps pulling me back to the pages of this blog.  Thanks to everyone who has commented over the years.  A huge thank you to the producers of the finest homoerotic wrestling who have granted copyright permission to repost their photos on the pages of this blog. My deep gratitude for the many wrestlers who’ve been willing to sit down for interviews, for guest bloggers who’ve posted their perspectives here at neverland, for brother wrestling bloggers who broadcast more of the diversity of tastes and follies than any one of us could ever manage to cover alone, and to everyone who has been kind and classy enough to drop a good word, a note of encouragement, or just to continue the fascinating conversation that I’ve had (mostly with myself) for the past 5 years.

Now, somebody needs a spanking, and I think it’s me!















7 thoughts on “You Say It’s Your Birthday?

  1. Happy fifth, Bard! The nice thing about obsessions is that you can keep writing about them … and writing and writing and writing and writing and …. Keep up the great work!

  2. 5 year already! I don’t remember when I started following, but I know it’s more than half of that. Thanks for your work and keeping us entertained.

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